Tuesday, November 11, 2008

"Remembering Veteran's Day", by Jeff McConnel

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

"County Recurrent" joins America in celebrating and honoring all Veteran's!

In this regard, we invite you to read Capt. Jeff McConnel's (former L.A. City and LACo Beach Lifeguard) blog post of today:

"Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Remembering Veterans Day


A day to remember all the veterans that served overseas over many years....if you haven't already please read the post after this one....

A return to Dachau after sixty years

C.E. Bill McConnel, a "tech 5" half-track driver first marched into Dachau with the United States Army's 20th Armored Division on April 29, 1945, as a 23 year old soldier..."


Thank you Jeff !

Until next time,

Will Maguire,
on behalf of COUNTY RECURRENT News
email: will.maguire@verizon.net

Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop" !

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