Thursday, February 4, 2010

Our Mission !

"County Recurrent": Our Mission !

Since we began to publish "County Recurrent" there has been a welcomed increase in communication
and dissemination of relevant lifeguard information, events, etc by the groups affiliated with our tribe of sea warriors. "County Recurrent" applauds this increased collaboration and effort to get the news out to our vast lifeguard community by Admin, LACOLA, LACOLA Alumni, CSLSA and individual lifeguards.

The mission here at "County Recurrent" remains to celebrate and honor the recurrent and to share and disseminate relevant lifeguard information to our lifeguard community and to encourage others to do likewise.

"County Recurrent", nevertheless, relies on our readership to share news and information with us so that we can keep our readership at large informed.
Please continue to communicate with us so that we can keep our readership "in the know".

Thank you for your consideration and cooperation.


(previously posted on October 22, 2008 and Aug. 12, 2008)

County Recurrent: Our Mission

As we mentioned in our premiere August 12, 2008 posting at this new blog address,

"County Recurrent" remains focused on providing as many recurrents, past and present, as possible with time sensitive news and current events information.

"County Recurrent" is the web's number one choice for 'inclusive' news concerning the LACo Recurrent Lifeguard.

The cost to you: just a few moments of your time to read our posts.

Pass It On. Spread the word ! Tell your friends !

Join Now !

OPT-IN by sending the undersigned your email address and typing in "OPT IN". Please also note that this Opt In feature has been field tested on selected Headquarters personnel and they were able to comply with these instructions.

Inclusively yours,

"County Recurrent" News

Will Maguire, Editor

For those of you new to our blog, you may want to catch up on our original postings on our original blog address at the following URL:

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