Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Echo Boomers Invade Rookie Swim Test !

Dateline: Saturday, September 27, 2008

I. RE: LACo Rookie Candidate Swim Test; Echo Boomer Invasion !

First, there was one and then there was a handful and then two handfuls!..... of the offspring or nephews or nieces of current or former LACo Beach Lifeguards! Never before has the LACo rookie candidate swim test been so heavily attended by the kids of our ocean warrior clan. As you may or may not know, this is the "Critical Mass" year of Echo Boomers, e.g., the offspring of baby boomers, the latter being, of course, the truly greatest generation to make a rescue or prevention or first aid.... woo hooooooooo !!!

Colleges across the nation reported the largest applications influx of ALL TIME for the Fall of 2007 for the '07/'08 school year. Consistent with this vital statistical data, the sons and daughters of our lifesaving brothers and sisters, having logged their own thousands of miles in the pool and the ocean during their own lifetimes in preparation for this vaunted opportunity, showing up in droves. "County Recurrent" News has been informed that among these Echo Boomers were the following individuals who successfully made the cut-off and qualified for the next stage (e.g., oral interviews, etc.):

1. Kailey Makuta, daughter of Capt. Jimmy Makuta, Ret.

2. Bill Robinson's sister's daughter (aka, his niece (note to self: duh!), SHELBY, niece of Capt. Billy Robinson, NOT RETIRED yet.

3. Kelly Jacobson, son of Capt. Jim "Jake" Jacobson, Ret.

4. Kyle Atkins, son of Capt. Kenny Atkins.

5. Scott Snyder, son of Zuma Recurrent Steve Snyder and "Nephew of Kenner".

6. Tommie Doman, Jr., son of No. Section Recurrent, Tom Doman, and nephew of Capt. Jim Doman, Ret.

7. Chris Barker, son of Capt. Bill Barker, Ret.

8. Laurie and Rob Cordobes' daughter (Laurie and Rob are both active recurrents).

and just in from confidential sources in So. Section.....

9. Recurrent Lifeguard Steve Propster's son.

10. Lyndsi Worthington, Capt. Steve Powell's cousin.

11. Julie Wynn, 19, granddaughter of retired permanent and recurrent lifeguard, Cal Porter, 85.

These are the rookie-candidates that "County Recurrent" News has been able to obtain through its confidential recurrent and permanent news sources. Other Echo Boomers may have also participated in this past weekend's rookie candidate swim.

"County Recurrent" will be keeping track of these Echo Boomers as they progress through the next phases and will keep you, the readership, informed as best we can.

II. BLAST FROM THE PAST: Can you name the Rookie-Candidate below from 1984 ?

Photo Clues: "Name that Rookie" showing us how it was done "back in the day" in 1984 when he successfully made the cut in the rookie candidate swim, finishing 10th overall, held that year in Hermosa Beach; and later earned First Place Honors in the Rookie School to follow that same year. *** Word also has it that they asked this rookie-candidate to lift his left leg and bark like a dog but that he instead started singing Kumbaya and then passed out and fell to the sand......"

Keeping you informed whether you want us to or not !


Will Maguire,
on behalf of COUNTY RECURRENT News

Disclaimer: County Recurrent is not affiliated with nor sponsored by LACoFD or LACOLA or the El Camino College History Dept.

*** Complete and utter fabrication. Photo courtesy of Steve Hotchkiss, aka the face in the photo above. Used here with permission.

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