Sunday, August 31, 2008

J.D. Moryl's Last Day !

Dateline, Los Angeles, Calif., August 31, 2008:

Rumor has it that today is Section Chief J.D. Moryl's last official day as a lifeguard!

In recognition thereof and on behalf of COUNTY RECURRENT News:

BEST WISHES to J.D. whose swan song is being played, instrumentals only, of course, today, along the beaches and canals of Venice, Calif, and nearby Culver City. LACO will never be the same.

CONGRATULATIONS, J.D., on your retirement and reinvigorated musical career !

Finally, for the man who declared he would never swim a lap again upon retirement, I look forward to seeing your increasing waist line !

Happy Trails,

Will Maguire
August 31, 2008

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