Wednesday, August 20, 2008

JAKE Retires ! ZUMA Weeps !

Dateline: Zuma Beach, August 20, 2008

It has come to pass: Capt. Jim "JAKE" Jacobson has officially retired. Jake was roasted and toasted last nite at an epic "Who's Who" of Retirement parties attended by multiple past Chiefs, current Chiefs, future Chiefs, Captains Galore, permanents, recurrents, family and friends. Not to mention, celebrities and VIP's, members of the media, etc. et al. Hollywood was represented by Baywatch creator and Exec. Producer, Greg Bonann. Even "ZUMA JAY" was there nattily attired and sporting a JAKE "JJ" Jacobson sticker ! And last but certainly not least, Performance Art by Famed Berlin Wall Artist and Retired LACO Beach Lifeguard, Norton Wisdom accompanied by Lifeguard Musician/Guitarist, Tom "ZUMA" Barnett!

If you would like to see photos of this event, stay tuned for approaching articles to appear in both the Malibu Surfside News and Malibu Times next week.

In addition, photos taken by the undersigned can be seen at the following photo website:

KODAK Gallery album

Subject: Jake's Retirement Party (aka, "Will's Slideshow")

Finally, the Malibu Surfside News featured Jake and Dale in their famed dory shot from the early 1980's on the cover of their August 19, 2008 Commemorative Issue.

Inclusively yours,

Will Maguire,

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