Here are the photos plus a video of this multiple hour effort.....
WRHQ, OLS Ryan Berry on duty....
SMN Area OLS (for the day), Brendon Beer, below...
Below, SMN/WR Area Captain Eugene Atanasio with veteran OL, Brandon Snell, who was busy setting up the cones, etc. at SMN 1550 even though he was on duty at SMN15...
A crew of taggers have been hitting up SMS Tower #16 a lot lately. On March 15th, we also photographed the same tower with grafitti.
Below, OL Eric Weizenegger, on a workout and still watching the water in plank position at Bay St., aka, SMS Tower #20...
Below, a (respectful) long distance shot of an unnamed veteran OL, watching the water like a hawk, while on a foot patrol out of Navy St. Tower at the north end of Venice North.
Below, OLS Mike Murphy along with OLS Rebecca Gilman (off camera) standing by at the Venice Breakwater in LR 200... while the area Captain and the area OLS were on scene at a first aid.....
Below, we observe Capt. Tito Bourget and OLS Andrew Czer!... Andrew and Tito were on scene at the Venice Skate Park treating an injured skater.
No way!... He's back in Central Section! OLS Andrew Czer (pronounced, Caesar, like the salad)...
he's working 3 days a week at the Venice Breakwater now.
Below, OLS Czer gaining traction off road... as he exits the now concluded first aid staging area adjacent to the Venice Skate Park...
*** Video Alert ! ***
Venice Skate Park First Aid Postscript: The Video
Zelda's Deli!... Mission, er, Goal Accomplished!...
Below, Santa Monica Local Photographer, Fabian Lewkowicz, on a bike...
USCG fly by over Santa Monica Pier...
Back to the shoreline at SMN Tower 12 we bumped into Veteran LACo OL, Chuck Locko!...
OL Locko watching the water!...
Further on, at SMN 10, we said hi to Veteran LACo OL, Rob Keely...
and then I finally made it back to WRHQ around 3 pm.....
Turned out there was no rain after all in spite of the forecast so good on all of our Ocean Lifeguards that made themselves available and got work today!
Until next time.....
Will Maguire,
County Recurrent News
(All photos and video by & Copyright Will Maguire 2017.)
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