Re: The First Annual Westside Pier To Pier Swim Run...
Race Co-Producers, below, John Baltz and Stacy Wisnom
Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Caldas
It's always important to hydrate...
... and to sign the release...
Wadley and Pedro entertaining the crowd...
And then there were six!...
The Start:
*** Video Alert ! ***
• And They’re Off!… The Video
and then I jumped in my car with the donuts... and drove to the finish line out front of SMHQ at SMS Tower #16...
And now that the brass have been bribed with donuts... we headed down to the beach to get set up before our contestants finish the course!...
Easy-Up Shelter/Tent provided courtesy of POSEIDON SUP!...
*** Video Alert ! ***
In First Place...
W A D L E Y !...
Below, at left, Pedro Caldas, the second place finisher; with Wadley, at right...
Pedro gets a special treat for his performance...
The Caldas Family!
In third place, here comes Eric Weizenegger...
Here comes John Baltz...
... followed by Capt. Julio Rodriguez...
And here comes Randall !
And A Big Hand of Applause to All these Stud Lifeguard Competitors!...
and then it was time to hydrate and refuel!...
Below, the Champ with his well earned Gift Certificate to Santa Monica Co-Op!...
*** Video Alert ! ***
• Post-Race Refueling Under The Poseidon Tent: The Video
And we would also like to acknowledge the sponsors of this event, namely,
Source: DTC Facebook Page |
• DOGTOWN COFFEE for providing lots of coffee and some amazing banana bread!
• POSEIDON SUP for providing their Easy-Up Shelter.
• SANTA MONICA CO-OP for providing a $25 Gift Certificate to the Winner to purchase
... and "County Recurrent" for the Donuts!...
Until next time.....
"County Recurrent" News
(All photos and videos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2015.)
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